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Index server

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The objective of the index server is to extract data from records and files in SE Suite to index them. These indexes are used in some system search screens, in addition to the general search. This service works in parallel with the system; when starting SE Suite, the index service is also started. See below the steps to verify whether the service is being executed:


1.Execute the following command:

# ps ax | grep java


2.Locate the Java service which the following file is running: "SESUITE_HOME/tools/se-fts-indexer-server/se-fts-indexer-server.jar".



In some situations, this service may not work adequately. See below a list of possible causes and their solutions:


hmtoggle_arrow1Port blocked in the FIREWALL


hmtoggle_arrow1Port being used in another service


hmtoggle_arrow1Problem with the Oracle database