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Apache Tomcat memory verification

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Apache Tomcat memory verification


1.Access the bin folder, located in the directory where Tomcat is installed.

# cd /usr/local/se/apps/tomcat/bin


2.Open the file for editing:

# vi


3.In the file, look for the "set JAVA_OPTS" line. If it exists, check whether the minimum values assigned to the "-XX:MaxPermSize" and "-Xmx" variables are 1024m. If the line does not exist or the variables are not configured correctly, add this line, leaving it as shown below:

set JAVA_OPTS= -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m


The values entered above are the minimum required for SE Suite to work correctly. If needed, assign values higher than 1024m to these variables.


4.Save and close the file



Increase the number of concurrent PHP processes

If necessary to increase the limit of concurrent PHP processes due to a more intense use, follow the steps below:


1.Access the following file:

# vi /usr/local/se/apps/php/etc/pool.d/www0.conf


2.Update the 'pm.max_children' parameter with the desired value, for example:

pm.max_children=80 # In this case, there will be at most 80 concurrent processes


The maximum value must be based on the ratio between the amount of available ram memory on the machine and the average amount of memory consumed in each process. This second information can be achieved by checking the RSS column of the command output:

ps -ylC php-fpm --sort:rss