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Increase the number of concurrent PHP processes

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If necessary to increase the limit of concurrent PHP processes due to a more intense use, follow the steps below:


1. Access the following file:

# vi SESUITE_HOME/suite.env


2. Add the following line:

WWW_CONF=pm.max_children = 80


In this case, there will be at most 80 concurrent processes.

There should not be spaces between WWW_CONF=<variable>



The maximum value must be based on the ratio between the amount of available ram memory on the machine and the average amount of memory consumed in each process.

To obtain this result, the following command must be executed:

docker exec -it se-baseclass ps -ylC php-fpm --sort:rss


In which se-baseclass is the name of the container being executed. This information can be found in the following command:

docker-compose ps