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Permissions in controlled directories

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When controlled directories are used to store documents, it is necessary for those directories to have the proper permissions for SE Suite.


The SE Suite services use a default user in Linux: sesuite (uid=5000,gid=5000). It must have reading, writing, and execution permissions in the controlled directories.


If the controlled directory is assembled using cifs in the /etc/fstab file, the permissions can be defined directly in this file.


See an example, considering the controlled directory to be /mnt/documents:

//fileServer/documents  /mnt/documents  cifs  vers=3.0,credentials=/etc/cifspwd,uid=5000,gid=5000,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755  0 0


The permissions in the controlled directory can also be defined manually, through the following commands:

chown 5000:5000 -R /mnt/documents

chmod 755 -R /mnt/documents