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SE Suite installation

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After creating the directories and installing the dependencies, SE Suite may be installed. SE Suite installation is performed by extracting the System Install Package ( installation package, downloaded in the Creating SE Suite directory structure step.


1.Create the conf folder:

# cd /usr/local/se

# mkdir conf


2.Copy the pre-configured configuration files:

# cp /usr/local/se/src/conf/database_config.xml /usr/local/se/conf

# cp /usr/local/se/src/conf/platform_config.xml /usr/local/se/conf

# cp /usr/local/se/src/conf/sesuite_config.xml /etc

# cp /usr/local/se/src/conf/sesuite.xml /etc


3.Execute the to extract the installation package and wait for the end of the extraction. Edit, in the following command, the downloaded version of the installation package (

# bash /usr/local/se/src/se-extractor/ /usr/local/se/


4.Execute the to compile the services and libraries required for the SE Suite operation:

# bash /usr/local/se/src/ 2>&1 | tee -a /usr/local/se/log/installsuite__$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).log