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Microsoft SQL Server

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If you wish to access the Microsoft SQL Server database on the GNU/Linux environment, it will be necessary to create and configure the database that will be used by the system. This section covers the necessary configuration on the SQL Server.


Refer to the SE Suite - System Requirements document for more details on SQL Server considerations.

This procedure assumes that SQL Server is correctly installed.


1.Open the SQL Server Management Studio;


2.Connect to the server;


3.Right-click Databases and then the New Database option;


4.On the left side of the General page, enter a name in Database name;

Example: sesuite


5.On the left side of the Options page, choose the 'collation' to be used and click OK;


The collations that may be used in western languages for the SE Suite database on SQL Server are:





The CI (Case Insensitive) parameter of the collation must always be used. The AI (Accent Insensitive) parameter of the collation must always be used for new databases from 2.0. For eastern languages, check SoftExpert Support.


6.In the hierarchical tree, expand the Security item;


7.Right-click on the Logins button;


8.Click New Login;


9.On the left side of the General page, on the Login name enter a name for the login;

Example: sesuite


10.Check the SQL Server authentication option;


11.On Password, enter a password and confirm it in Confirm password;


12.Uncheck the Enforce password policy option;


13.On Default database, select the database created in the steps between 3 to 5;


14.On Default language, select the English language;


15.Click on the User Mapping page and, on the Users mapped to this login, select the database created in the steps 3 to 5;


16.In the Database Role membership box, check the following options:




17.Click on OK;


18. Run the following commands to apply a property that the application uses, replacing <Database> with the name of the created database:







Network Configuration

It is necessary to enable the TCP/IP connection in the SQL Server Configuration Manager. See the steps below:


19.Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager;


20.In the hierarchical tree, expand the SQL Server <version> Network Configuration item;


21.Click on Protocols for MSSQLSERVER;


22.On the right-side box, right-click on TCP/IP;


23.Click on Properties;


24.On the Protocol tab, on Enable, select the Yes value;


25.Click on the IP Addresses tab;


26.In each existing IP, on Enable, select the Yes value;


27.In each existing IP, check whether the port defined on TCP Port is 1433;


28.Click on OK and restart the SQL Server.