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This section covers the procedure to create and configure PostgreSQL. See the steps below:


Refer to the SE Suite - System Requirements document for more details on PostgreSQL considerations.

To execute the following procedure, make sure that the postgres service is stopped; otherwise, stop it:

pg_ctl stop –D <postgresql_installation_directory>/data


1.Edit the pg_hba.conf configuration file:

# vi <postgresql_installation_directory>/data/pg_hba.conf


2.Locate the IPv4 local connections configuration block and add a new line with the data of the network server where the SE Suite is being installed:

# IPv4 local connections:

host    all   all     md5

host    all   all   md5


3.Save and close the configuration file:



4.Edit the postgresql.conf configuration file:

# vi <postgresql_installation_directory>/data/postgresql.conf


5.Locate the listen_addresses parameter, uncomment the line and change its value as shown below:

listen_addresses = '*'        # what IP address(es) to listen on;


6.Save and close the configuration file:



Creating folders for the Tablespaces

7.Two folders (softexpert_data and softexpert_indexes) must be created with full permission for the postgres user. Create the following directories for the tablespaces:

# mkdir <postgresql_installation_directory>/data/tbs

# mkdir <postgresql_installation_directory>/data/tbs/softexpert_data

# mkdir <postgresql_installation_directory>/data/tbs/softexpert_indexes


8.Define the permissions:

# chown postgres.postgres -R <postgresql_installation_directory>/data/tbs


User and Permissions


PostgreSQL is Case Sensitive.


9.Start PSQL with the postgres user created during PostgreSQL installation:

# psql -U postgres -h localhost -d postgres


10.Create a user for SE Suite:



Substitute <user> and <password> with the user's name and password respectively.



11.Create a tablespace called SOFTEXPERT_DATA:

CREATE TABLESPACE "SOFTEXPERT_DATA" OWNER <user> LOCATION '<postgresql_installation_directory>/data/tbs/softexpert_data';


12.Create a tablespace called SOFTEXPERT_INDEXES:

CREATE TABLESPACE "SOFTEXPERT_INDEXES" OWNER <user> LOCATION '<postgresql_installation_directory>/data/tbs/softexpert_indexes';



13.Create the SE Suite database:



Encoding UTF8 supports all languages.


Starting and Stopping the PostgreSQL Service

14.To start the PostgreSQL service:

# su - postgres

# pg_ctl start –D <postgresql_installation_directory>/data

# logout


15.To stop the PostgreSQL service:

# su - postgres

# pg_ctl stop –D <postgresql_installation_directory>/data

# logout


You may create a script to start and stop the PostgreSQL service. See the necessary steps to create a startup script for PostgreSQL.


Creating a startup script

See below the steps to create a startup script. If you wish to use a script, follow the example below, by changing the directories according to the data from your environment and installation.


16.Access the directory where the system services are stored:

# cd /etc/init.d


17.Create a file called postgresql and open it for editing:

# vim postgresql


18.Paste the content below in the file, editing the data according to your environment:


# description: PostgreSQL Server

# chkconfig: 2345 80 30

# processname: postgresql


case "$1" in


 echo "Starting PostgreSQL Server"

 sudo -u postgres <postgresql_installation_directory>/bin/pg_ctl start -D <postgresql_installation_directory>/data




 echo "Stopping PostgreSQL Server"

 sudo -u postgres <postgresql_installation_directory>/bin/pg_ctl stop -D <postgresql_installation_directory>/data




 /etc/init.d/postgresql stop

 /etc/init.d/postgresql start




 echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"




19.Save and close the file:



20.After installing the service, define the execution permission for the PostgreSQL startup script:

# chmod +x /etc/init.d/postgresql


21.Configure the script to start automatically with the Operating System:

For distributions based on CentOS/RedHat, execute:

# chkconfig --add postgresql

# chkconfig --level 235 postgresql on


For distributions based on Debian, execute:

# update-rc.d postgresql defaults