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Web Server configuration

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This section covers the specific NGinx and APCu configurations to use SE Suite.


NGinx configuration


1.Edit the /usr/local/se/apps/nginx/include.server configuration file:

# vi /usr/local/se/apps/nginx/include.server


2.Locate the SSLCertificateFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile parameters and change its value as shown below:

ssl_certificate /usr/local/se/cert/;

ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/se/cert/softexpert.key;


If you need to use another self-signed certificate, update the file with the path of the desired certificate.

In order to guarantee security, in the production environment, it is mandatory to use a valid certificate, which must be copied to the server, in addition to having the previously mentioned parameters adjusted according to the place where it was copied.


3.Save and close the file:



PHP configuration


1.Open the php.ini file for editing:

# vi /usr/local/se/suite.env


2.Add the following line for your respective time zone:



3.Save and close the file:
