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Installing the SE Suite Service

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To add the SE Suite startup script as a service, execute the following steps:


1.Access the scripts folder located in the SE Suite installation directory:

# cd /usr/local/se/src/scripts


2.Open the script for editing:

# vi


3.Carefully check the directories of each service that will be started when this script is executed. If SE Suite were installed in a different directory, update it with the correct path information.


4.Save and close the script:



5.Copy the script to the init.d folder renaming it to sesuite:

# cp -a /usr/local/se/src/scripts/ /etc/init.d/sesuite

# chmod +x /etc/init.d/sesuite


6.Add the service to the operating system start up:

For RPM environments, execute:

# chkconfig --add sesuite

# chkconfig --level 235 sesuite on


For DEB environments, execute:

# update-rc.d sesuite defaults