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MSI installation

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PDF, DWG, and DXF files are viewed, in SE Suite, through SE Viewer. When opening one of these files for the first time, the system requests the installation of the viewer. If the logged user has no permission to install the viewer, the administrator will have to execute the following procedure:


Locate the file, in the SE Suite installation directory (server): "C:\Inetpub\SE\web\wwwroot\generic\app\viewer\".



Manual procedure

Uncompress the file and execute the MSI file on the client workstations that need to install the viewer.

The execution should be performed by a user with administrator permission on the machine.



Automatic procedure

Decompress the file and add the MSI file to the network login script so that it is replicated to all workstations automatically.

It must be parameterized so that it is executed with administrator permission, whenever a new user logs into the machine.