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Release Notes

Cost classification

From this version onwards, it will be possible to classify the costs of projects and project tasks as "Capital", "Operational", or "Unclassified" when creating them.

To classify the costs, simply select one of the options in the "Cost classification" field.

In the "Total" tab of project and project task finances, it will be possible to view the sum of the costs according to their classification.


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Task copy in the project schedule

From this version onwards, it will be possible to copy tasks via project schedule.

It will be possible to copy tasks of the project being edited, of a project template, and/or of an existing project.

To perform the copy, simply click on the "Copy" button, select the task source, the options to be copied, and the tasks.




External link in project schedule tasks

In the "Project" tab of the schedule, it will be possible to add links for tasks from other projects in the tasks of the project being edited.

In the project schedule, it will be possible to view the external link tasks below the tasks of the project being edited.


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Progress of costs and revenues

From this version onwards, it will be possible to view the progress of cost payments and revenue collections of the project in a chart.

Through the charts, it will be possible to view planned and replanned costs and revenues, and those that have already been paid or collected.




Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: