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Release Notes

Requirement test creation

The requirement test feature is a process that can be used to check the consistency and integrity of the identified requirements.

Tests can be of requirements whose validation is performed through test cases or product quality requirements, in which product samples are used. The requirement test meets compliance, legal, or product requirements.

This version makes available the creation of tests for the requirements, but the next version will make available the requirement test execution automation.




Outdated mapping task in the requirement revision

When it is necessary to revise all mappings after a new requirement revision, that is, to track all mappings that are outdated, it is possible to enable the parameter to generate the task to equalize the requirement mapping in the requirement type.

The execution of this task is the creation of a new requirement mapping revision.




Improvements in the requirement mapping summary display

This feature was a revision of the information displayed in the mapping summary, in which the origin of the displayed associations and information is specified.

Thus, it is possible to know the exact mapping of the information displayed in the summary.




Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: