Update overview |
This topic contains the update process overview. See below the diagram that exemplifies the steps that will be covered in this documentation:
Diagram of the SE Suite Update steps
▪Pre-required activities: This step covers the activities that must be executed before the SoftExpert Suite update. Among them, there is a checklist that helps verify each item that should be considered before starting the update. ▪Update activities: This step covers specific configuration activities for the SoftExpert Suite operation after the update. Also included in this step are the SoftExpert Suite upgrade procedures, which consist of preparing the update package, editing the installation XML file, and running the update. ▪Additional procedures: This step contains the activities that are executed after installing SoftExpert Suite. Among them, find the post-installation and backup-related activities, such as backup recovery and deletion of no longer necessary backups.
The update process may be performed in any of the two ways listed below: ▪Patch: it is an update package that contains bug fixes. It does not include new features or changes in the database template. A patch update adds or increments the fourth digit of the SoftExpert Suite version. ▪Release: is an update package that contains all the patches, from the release to the package version, including new features and changes in the database template. The release update increments the second or third digit of the SoftExpert Suite version.
This document covers all the steps required to update releases (3rd digit), as well as update patches (4th digit). Notes have been added that warn when a procedure should not be executed if the update is of a 4th digit because in this update the basic update steps are not involved, for example. The table below shows the topics that contain the procedures for each update type: