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Synchronization of the SE Suite user database with the directory service

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In the process of synchronizing users, SE Suite communicates with the directory service via the LDAP protocol, replicating the information to the SE Suite database itself. That is, this process will create new user accounts within the system with the information contained in the directory service and with each new execution of the synchronization process, the system user database will be updated, making a "mirror" of the information contained in the service directory, inactivating users that are no longer in the directory, replicating changes to the already synchronized user data, and creating new user accounts that have been recorded to the service since the last synchronization.



The synchronization process DOES NOT MAKE CHANGES IN THE DIRECTORY SERVICE, it merely reads the data made available by the service, altering only the database of the SE Suite itself.

It also does not remove removed or disabled users from SE Suite database in the directory service, only changes their status to "Disabled".


Data that is synchronized with the directory service

SE Suite will synchronize with the directory the following data of the users: ID # in domain controller, Name, User ID, Login, E-mail, Access group, Description and ID # of Department, Description and ID # of Position, Description and ID # of Team and Leader¹.


The synchronization process fills the following data statically, as reported in the initial parameters (for new users only) in the domain configuration: Language, Multiple login enabled, Maximum number of concurrent connections, User enabled, User locked, Active department, Active position and Default access group.


1 - Note: The "Synchronize leader" option will only bind the user to its leader if both are in the list of users coming from the directory service. Therefore, you must adjust the filters and directories that are reported in the connection configuration to the domain controller to meet this requirement, if you want to use this feature.