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Testing the authentication in AD FS with SAML 2.0

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If all the authentication configuration was successful and the users who will perform the integrated authentication were properly synchronized, it is possible to test the authentication with the SAML 2.0 protocol by accessing the SE Suite from a client workstation (do not authenticate directly from the AD FS server or the SE Suite server).


If in the SE Configuration component arrowrgray Authentication (CM008) arrowrgray Authentication options section, the SAML 2.0 field is checked, the "Single Sign-On" button will be displayed on the SE Suite login screen. If the button does not appear, verify if the SAML 2.0 field is checked in the authentication options.


When you click on the Single Sign-On button, authentication via SAML 2.0 is used and the user is authenticated without entering the user and password and license on the login screen, so these fields can be ignored.


If this is the first login of the user in the authentication service, it can be redirected to an authentication page of the service itself and after logging in to the service, the user will be redirected back to SE Suite.