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Reconfiguring the authentication in AD FS with SAML 2.0

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Some situations require that the configuration of integrated authentication via SAML 2.0 is redone, such as expired/renewed certificates from AD FS or SE Suite, AD FS server migration, domain name changes, and so on. For cases where the certificate generated in SE Suite for authentication in AD FS has expired, follow these steps:


1.1_auxnmbFirst, access the SE Configuration component arrowrgray Authentication (CM008) arrowrgray Authentication services arrowrgray SAML 2.0 section, select the certificate you wish to renew and click on the edit button. On the screen that will open, click "Renew certificate". After that, click on Download Service Provider configurations to download SESUITE_metadata.xml file and click on the Apply button.



Uploading the identity provider settings (FederationMetadata.xml file downloaded from AD FS) is only necessary in case of any changes to the service, such as a change of address, certificate renewal in the identity service, etc.


2.Then, remove the outdated configuration in AD FS:




3.Once this is done, recreate the configuration in AD FS. To do this, import the generated SESUITE_metadata.xml file shortly after the certificate renewal (step 1), following the steps shown in step 4 of the Configuring the authentication in AD FS with SAML 2.0 section.