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There are two ways to log into the system:


E-mail and password created in SE Administration

The first way is when an internal SE Suite user (with permission) registers their e-mail and password through SE Administration. In this case, after the registration, a confirmation message will be sent to the entered e-mail address. After confirming the message, it will be possible to login with the registered e-mail and password. The user simply needs access to the portal URL.


Note: The user who performed the registration can check whether the e-mail was confirmed. They can also re-send the confirmation in case of any problems.



The second way is when an internal SE Suite user (with permission) enables the option for the external user to perform the self-registration. In this case, access the shared portal URL and click on the "Create account" button:




The fields to perform the self-registration will be available. After filling them out, click on "Create account" once again. At this point, an e-mail will be sent to the entered address for verification. The login will only be available after the e-mail is confirmed.




It is possible to configure for an internal user to approve the self-registration in addition to the e-mail confirmation. In this case, it will be necessary to wait for an e-mail notifying about the approval of the self-registration by the party responsible for approving.