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This document defines the technical specifications and criteria required for the integration of different information systems with SoftExpert Excellence Suite (SoftExpert Suite).


Who should read this document

This guide contains useful information for:

Any person who needs to understand the integration architecture and its operation;

IT professionals (mainly an integrator or DBA) responsible for implementing the integration between a third-party system and SoftExpert Suite;

IT professionals in charge of maintaining the integration architecture, who need to understand the integration process to be able to identify possible problems.


Integrations via the template made available in SoftExpert Suite should be executed by IT professionals knowledgeable about web services or databases (preferably an integrator or DBA).

For integration via Web Services you will need to be familiar with the SOAP protocol and Web Services building and consuming tools.

For integration via Database, it will be necessary to manipulate the data of a particular table where the solution is installed.



The integration architecture was designed as part of an SDK, following a standard for importing data from any source into SoftExpert Suite, and for extracting data from the output obtained from the data import process to a given destination.



Although SoftExpert provides support for recent versions of third-party software packages and patches, it has no control over the updates of these pieces of software and, therefore, cannot guarantee compatibility with its products. In any case, contact the supplier for product specifications and further details about compatibility.