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Integration possibilities

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1.Integration of portals and/or client legacy systems to start a workflow/process within SoftExpert Suite.

The integration can be performed through the SoftExpert Web Services, which are described in detail in the Integration via SOAP web services and Integration via REST web services chapters.


Other workflow actions are also released from the moment the WEB Service is used, such as activity execution, filling in attributes and form fields, upload of attachments, etc. (Web Services online documentation https://<domain>/se/ws/wf_ws.php).


2.Process startup by receiving emails.

It may also be performed through customization.


3.Use of another BI to view SoftExpert Suite data.

To use this method, the client BI must access SoftExpert Suite tables directly and assemble the desired views. The data dictionary of our product is available online in the SoftExpert Configuration component, through the SoftExpert Configuration arrowrgray Tool arrowrgray Editor SQL arrowrgray menu "Documentation" button.


4.Integration of client external systems to create and add several data into SoftExpert Suite.

For that type of demand, we have available the interface tables and our own Web Services, which are detailed in the Integration via database, Integration via SOAP web services, and Integration via REST web services chapters.


5.Read data from external databases to be used in SoftExpert Suite.

To do that, we have the external attributes option within the application. The details on how to configure external attributes are found in the manual/help of the SoftExpert Administration component.

And, regarding the components based on SoftExpert Process, we have the option of configuring external applications, through which it is possible to test external information, return some type of data, etc., either using the Web Service concept or even a customized application (by means of customization).


The same concept may be applied to load form field list data. In that case, there is no option for direct connection with the external attribute, but small routines and a few connectors may be developed.


6.From SoftExpert Suite, save information in external systems.

To do that, it is possible to use Web Service interfaces (if the external system has), export to data files (TXT, CSV), to import by the external system or else to save the data directly into the database of the external system.

And, if in the case of SoftExpert Process-based components, we have the option to configure external applications where it is possible to configure the clients of Web Service natively (except for authentication and architecture particularities, in which the specific  client would have to be implemented).


7.Integration when Hosting.

The restriction applies exclusively to the infrastructure made available for the tools to be used. For example, if the connection is direct between the databases, they should enable a DBLINK or be in the same network (Dedicated VPN). If there is a need for file transfer, the file servers must be available in the cloud, and so on.

The indicated orientation and architecture in these cases is the use of a Web Service.


8.Possible integrations to be performed with SAP ERP.

This integration may be performed by any SAP tool (ABAP, XI, RFC, etc.), but they depend mostly on the contract type the customer has. However, the practice is that implementations directly into SAP are usually performed by the customer IT team or by SAP consultants.


The same understanding may be applied to any other ERP, i.e., the SoftExpert team must map the data availability method of the ERP in question. Based on that, the methods mentioned above are followed.