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Integration via SOAP web services

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The Technical overview section contains the necessary information to authenticate and communicate with SoftExpert Suite SOAP Web Services.


The Published web services section defines all SOAP web services published in the system, and what should be entered in each one of them. It also contains an example of a client using the Java language.


The Frequently Asked Questions section is a guide with the answers of some of the most frequent questions regarding SOAP web services.



The use of integration via web services is not recommended to load large volumes of data.

The creation of a specific user in SoftExpert Suite is recommended to perform the integration via web services. This user must have only one license or linked access group, depending on the web service to be consumed, it should not be synchronized with the AD and should not be used to access the system on a day to day basis, as it should be exclusively used for integrations. That way it simplifies both the management of the access permissions of that user to the integrations made available and the maintenance of the history of performed integrations, which may be extracted by observing the records created by that user.