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Basic HTTP authentication

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It is necessary to make the request to API Gateway by passing in the request header the Authorization parameter, containing as value the word "Basic", <blank space>, user login and password separated by ":" (colon) in the base64 encoding format:


Authorization = Basic base64encode(<login>:<password>)


Example for user "sesuite" and password "111111":

User: sesuite

Password: 111111

Must be converted to base64: sesuite:111111

Result of the conversion: c2VzdWl0ZToxMTExMTE=

Token to be used: Authorization

Token value: Basic c2VzdWl0ZToxMTExMTE=


The SoapUI is a tool used for testing web service applications. Below is an example of how to use the header in SoapUI:




The SoapUI tool also offers a facilitator for this basic authentication. To express this simpler method, see the image below:




Note: For the creation of the connection php file, it is necessary to insert the WSDL address through the location tag for the connection as in the example below:


$wsdl = "https://$server/se/ws/dc_ws.php?wsdl";

$location = "https://$server/apigateway/se/ws/content.php";


// Instantiates a SOAP client

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,array(

"trace" => 1, // Enables the trace

"exceptions" => 1, // Treats the exceptions

"login" => $user,

"password" => $pass,


"location" => $location
