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After updating SoftExpert Suite, some configuration activities will be required for SoftExpert Suite to be ready to be used. See below how to activate SoftExpert Suite:


SoftExpert Suite activation


If in the SoftExpert Configuration component (in the Configuration arrowrgrayy System (CM0006) menu arrowrgrayy Automatic activation tab), the "Enable automatic activation" option is selected, it will not be required to perform the activation procedure described below.

After any change to the license key, either when updating it or adding a new one, it will be necessary to activate SoftExpert Suite.


1.If the automatic activation is not enabled, whenever a change is made to the system configurations, it will be necessary to activate SoftExpert Suite manually. When that occurs, the following screen will be displayed:



2.To activate the system, click on the System activation button. A screen with a brief description of the made changes will be displayed:



3.Carefully follow the instructions on the system activation screen. Download the (activation.hbl) file and access the Customer center. Enter your login and password. At this point, you will be redirected to the activation page.


Note that the Customer center will open in a new tab in your browser. The SoftExpert Suite page tab must not be closed because, after the activation code is created, it will be necessary to return to that tab.


4.On the customer center activation page, Upload the file. After selecting the activation.hbl file in the respective field, click on the UPLOAD button.


5.At this point, the system will display the screen with the activation code. Copy the code that was generated, go back to the SoftExpert Suite screen, and enter the activation code.



6.After that, click on the Enable button. The SoftExpert Suite page will be reloaded and, from this point on, any already created user may access the system.