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User creation on Windows Server

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SoftExpert Suite needs a local user. To create it on Windows Server 2008, 2012 or 2016, execute the following steps:


1.Click on the Windows Start menu. Then, right-click on the My computer button and click on the Manage option;


2.On the left side, in the hierarchical tree, find Local Users and Groups;


On the Windows Server 2008, go to Server Manager arrowrgrayy Configuration arrowrgrayy Local Users and Groups;

On Windows Server 2012 or 2016, go to Server Manager arrowrgrayy Tool arrowrgrayy Computer Management arrowrgrayy Local Users and Groups;


3.Expand Local Users and Groups and right-click on the Users folder;


4.Click on the New user option. Fill in the following fields on the screen that will be displayed:




User name: Fill this field in with the name of the user being created;

Full name: Fill this field in with the full name of the user being created;

Description: Enter in this field a description for the user being created;

Password: Enter a password for the user;

Confirm password: Retype the password to confirm it;

User must change password at next logon: Uncheck this option, if checked;

User cannot change password: Check this option;

Password never expires: Check this option.


The maximum size for the user name (User name field) is 20 characters (uppercase or lowercase), except for the following characters: \ / " [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? * @. The name may not contain periods (.) or blank spaces either.

It is not allowed using characters | and & in the user password.


5.After filling in the required fields, click on Create and then on Close;


6.Right-click on the newly created user and select Properties;


7.On the user properties screen, select the Member Of tab;


8.Click on Add;


9.On the Select Groups screen, click on Advanced;


10. Click on Find Now. At this point, a list of groups will be displayed in the search results section; search for and select the Guests and IIS_IUSRS groups, and click on OK;


11. The group selection screen will look similar to the image below, click on OK on this screen:

