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Oracle Client configuration

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For the proper operation of the application, 2 Oracle clients must be installed on the SoftExpert Suite server. A 64-bit version for Java operation and a 32-bit version for PHP operation.

If the 32-bit Oracle Client is installed first and the 64-bit Oracle Client is installed later, the environment variables must be configured correctly, otherwise, it will be necessary to configure them again. Note that, after the installing the 32-bit Client there will probably be a service in execution, this will make it impossible to install the 64-bit Client. To do that, it is necessary to stop the OracleRemExecServiceV2 service.

In the PATH variable on Windows, the 64-bit Client must be first, then the 32-bit Client.


Run the following configuration to make sure that the Path variable is configured correctly:


1.Click on the Windows Start menu.


2.Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.


3.Select the Advanced tab and click on Environment.


4.In the System Variables, locate the variable of the Path environment and click on Edit.


5.In the Variable value field, add the Oracle Client 64-bits and the Oracle 32-bits path. In that case, the 64-bit Oracle Client path must be the first parameter and the 32-bit Oracle Client must be the second parameter, as shown in the image below:




6.Click on OK and then click on OK to close the System properties screen.


7.Now it is necessary to configure the 64-bit Oracle Client and 32-bit Oracle installations. To do that, click on the Windows Start menu, type regedit.exe and press ENTER.


8.Locate and edit the following registry key:



Original Value: SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient11g_home1

Correct Value: SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ORACLE\KEY_OraClient11g_home1



Only the path should be adjusted, by inserting "Wow6432Node", leaving the rest as it is.


9.Click on OK to save the change.


If you do not need to configure another database, continue with the SoftExpert Suite installation from the Installation activity section.