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Database equalization

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On a new update or on a 3rd-digit update, the database must be updated. This is called equalization.


Th database will be equalized to the previous version during the installation of the SoftExpert Suite application, so beware!


Moreover, it is recommended to backup the database before equalizing it.


In this step, the SoftExpert Suite application container will be downloaded and stored in the installation directory, and the equalization will start as soon as the download is finished, if there are no errors in the database connection.

Caso ocorra, consulte a seção Resolução de problemas.


If the database is already equalized, skip to the step of starting the SoftExpert Suite container. The container will start the download on the step to start SoftExpert Suite, even if you skip the equalization step.

It is recommended for the machine in which the installation is located to be restarted to avoid the following error during the script execution: 'hnscall failed in win32: you were not connected because a duplicate name exists on the network'.


To perform the equalization, follow the steps below:


1.Run the following command to start the equalization, editing it according to the disk you are using:

C:\sesuite\sesuite.ps1 equalize


Or, if the installation is using another disk, such as D:

D:\sesuite\sesuite.ps1 equalize


Containers being downloaded:




This is the final result after the equalization:




2.After the equalization, use this command to start SoftExpert Suite:

C:\sesuite\sesuite.ps1 start


If the installation is using another disk, such as D:

D:\sesuite\sesuite.ps1 start




If there are any problems during the initialization, refer to the Troubleshooting topic.


3.If you wish to stop SoftExpert Suite, use this command:

C:\sesuite\sesuite.ps1 stop


Or, if the installation is using another disk, such as D:

D:\sesuite\sesuite.ps1 stop




Whenever the machine is to be restarted or turned off, it is necessary to stop SoftExpert Suite; otherwise, there may be errors during the next initialization. Thus, it is recommended to use restart if you did not stop SoftExpert Suite after turning off or restarting your machine.