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Release Notes

Apply percentage downgrade to the calculation when selecting a conformity level

It is now possible to configure the conformity level to generate a downgrade in the immediate upper level object.

The downgrade is based on a percentage configured in the conformity level through the evaluation criterion.




Automatic update of the requirement structures of templates and audit plans

When the audit is based on requirements, SoftExpert Audit allows organizing the idea flow through the editing of texts and the addition of items to the structure, but maintaining the association with the original requirement.

From this version onwards, the system can be configured to update the requirements of the plan and template structures when a new revision requirement is released in SoftExpert Requirement.




Allow pre-selecting requirement audit criteria in the category

From this version onwards, it is possible to configure default evaluation criteria in categories with a scope based on requirements.

The object types available for configuration are: verification items, audit tests, samples, and questions.

The evaluation criterion for requirements is still pre-defined in the requirement creation.




Reopening of audit projects

From this version onwards, it is possible to reopen audit projects in the same way used for other projects, through the maintenance screen:




Allow entering the population in the audit test plan

From this version onwards, it is possible to enter the population that will be used for sample selection in the test plan.




"Business unit" object type made available as data type in the population

The "Business unit" field type is available. Thus, when entering the population records, it is possible to fill out the field with a business unit created in SoftExpert Administration.

This field can also be used as a filter to select samples in audit tests.


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Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: