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Release Notes

Display filters and data collection header in stratification

From this version onwards, the stratification charts display the data collection header and the filters applied in creation.

This feature allows identifying the chart generation more clearly, providing greater transparency and speed in the collection data analysis.




Data collection configuration copy

From this version onwards, it is possible to copy the configurations of a data collection.

With this feature, the customer can perform all configurations of a data collection and generate several copies from it, decreasing the time to configure future collections.




Data collection scheduling tracking

From this version onwards, aiming to improve the tracking and analysis of the return from the integration with the coordinate-measuring machines (CMM), the menu to track the data collection scheduling has been made available.

It is now possible to check if there are imports scheduled for a certain data collection, as well as to view the return of the last import executions.


Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: