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Release Notes

Integration with chatbots

The system allows the integration with chatbots, which is available in the entire SoftExpert Suite environment.

The first released chatbot is Take Blip, which receives logged user data and is able to interact with several components through the available REST APIs.


New problem type security

From this version onwards, aiming to have better performance and reuse of the access controls, the problem security works with access profiles.


It is now possible to create and manage profiles through a new menu. Profiles can be created as needed.


With the profile in the problem type data, simply select it and enter the users, departments, and teams that will have access, allowing for greater visibility, management, and reuse of the access controls.


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Allowing management actions via portal

A new link can be configured in the "ID #" column of Analytics to allow the user to view instance data, execute activities, change the executor, and redefine the deadline, according to security permissions, allowing the management actions to be used directly through the portal.


For example, in the "Problem" vision:





Notifications for mentions in comment events

When mentioning a user with @ through the comment on the instance data screen, a notification is sent to the mentioned user.




Automatic activity execution when closing an action plan

From this version onwards, if a plan is associated with more than one instance, the execution of each instance will be validated separately, without interfering in the other executions.

Previously, an instance would be executed only if all instances associated with the plan could be executed; otherwise no instance would be executed.


Previous versions

View also the improvements made to this component in previous versions: